nuevos apps para android

nuevos apps para android

Otro “género” donde podremos encontrar mucha competencia. Después de probar muchas alternativas, siempre acabamos volviendo a Falcon Pro, ya que su funcionamiento y diseño hacen que puedas disfrutar de todas las acciones necesarias de una manera fluida. Es necesario hacer un pequeño “hack” (muy sencillo) para instalarlo, debido a la nueva API de Twitter.

Si estáis interesados, en Internet hay un montón de tutoriales, tanto el blogs como en Youtube, y aquí en El Androide Libre ya os hicimos una pequeña introducción allá por sus inicios, pero que os dejamos el link por si le queréis echar un vistazo, pero en su web también tenemos algunos trucos para empezar a usarla, y si queremos usar su anterior versión, también está disponible por si os interesa.

A moment ago, it looked as though Google cared about this massive privacy problem. Now we have our doubts. The only way to dispel them, frankly, is for Google to urgently reenable the App Ops interface, as well as adding some polish and completing the fundamental pieces that it is missing:

YouTube es un infaltable en cualquier dispositivo, Google ha puesto bastante empeño en hacer de la aplicación para Android una de las mejores, y poco a poco se acerca a su objetivo.

Muchos usuarios seguro que agradecen la posibilidad de bucear por las carpetas de su dispositivo, permitiendo mover muy fácilmente archivos de un lugar a otro. Como podéis imaginar, las posibilidades son casi infinitas y dependerá del uso de cada uno, pero ES File Explorer permite: copiar, cortar, comprimir, descomprimir, instalar, etc. con un par de gestos.

Al principio fue Google quien la dio a conocer, pero fue creada por el profesor Harold Abelson, del MIT, y desde 2011 ya no está asociada a Google y depende directamente del MIT.

samsung app store

samsung app store

terms of total downloads in October 2013, however, Google actually dominates the iOS platform, with YouTube leading the way with the most popular download on the platform. But Google also has Google
Maps (#3), Google Search (#4), Gmail (#8) and Chrome (#9) among the top ten. Apple only has three app titles in the top ten on its own platform: Find My Phone (#5), GarageBand (#7) and iBooks (#10).
Facebook is the second most popular download in iOS in October. Still, on a revenue basis, Apple’s suite of apps — including Pages, iMovie, Keynote, Numbers, GarageBand and iPhoto — occupy the
top six spots among the highest revenue generators in the Apple App Store.

Not surprisingly, given its Android-based models, Samsung is a dominant force in
Google Play (259 apps), with Sony (216), Google itself (81), Panasonic (77) and Disney (54) rounding out the top 5.

Better and better Samsung phones could, in theory, lead some Apple customers to make the switch. More likely, however, is that Samsung continues to consolidate its control of the Android ecosystem, pushing out Google’s other hardware partners in the process. With Samsung pushing alternatives to Google’s services, Samsung’s total dominance could put Google in an unfortunate position.

The critics might not like them, but buyers sure doIn general, Samsung phones are not well-liked by the tech media — most reviewers seem to prefer other Android handsets instead. Computerworld, for example, believes the top Android phone is Motorola’s Moto X, while PCWorld thinks Google’s own Nexus 5 is the best Android phone on the market. Techradar loves Sony’s Xperia Z, and Business Insider thinks buyers should go with HTC’s One, as long as they get the unlocked version from Google Play.

Now Samsung users can get bunch of titles for only a dollar a piece if they go through the Samsung App Store! Sega Announced the discounts today on its blog. From November 26th to December 2nd, Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic CD, Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Ep. I, and Sonic The Hedgehog Ep. II are only $1 USD through the Samsung Apps store. Just direct your Samsung device to the company’s app store.

In Amazon’s Appstore, Amazon itself (109) is by far the leading
developer using the platform. But in this environment which serves both Kindle and Android devices, Disney (23) and Sony (21) are making some effort, followed by Adobe (11) and IBM (5).

apps for android

apps for android

I think the only other Google services and apps I use on my Android phone that I don’t see on the iPhone are Google Keep and Google Wallet. Chromecast support is provided in iOS through some Google services.

Camera Awesome: Most photography apps these days seem to be exclusively focused on sharing, or adding stupid filters to your pictures (hint: the worst offender rhymes with Minstertram). Camera Awesome is a breath of fresh air. Rather than ruin those ever-important photos of your meals, Camera Awesome is dedicated to making them better. Let’s face it, phone cameras aren’t always that great, but they’re a darn sight easier to carry around than a DSLR — any way to improve those photos is essential. [£1.87]

Tiny Death Star: A full-scale rebellion may be taking place, but that doesn’t mean an end to the galactic economy. In Tiny Death Star you can join forces with Palpatine and Darth Vader to build a brand new Death Star and fill it with profitable businesses. All proceeds go towards eliminating the rebel scum. [Free]

It’s a good idea to keep your apps up to date on your smartphone or tablet to get the latest levels or important bug and security fixes. However, it’s always ideal to just let them update without your permission.

GPS Voice Navigation: Pretty much everything you need from a GPS app. Real time tracking, estimated arrival times, turn-by-turn directions, and speed camera/police trap warnings. Useful if you don’t yet have a decent GPS on your phone, especially since it lets you choose which map service you want to use: Google, Bing, or MapQuest. Hurry, it’s only free for a limited time. [Free]

4OD: Ah, on demand services, what would we do without you? Well, probably invest in DVRs, but I digress. 4OD is now available for you Windows users so that you can catch up on the latest in Channel 4′s programming wherever you are (data pending of course). Whether it be last night’s Big Bang Theory, Agents of SHIELD, or a terrible piece of faux reality TV, then this is the app for you. [Free]

android app store

android app store

Ron Amadeo of Ars Technica wrote a great story last month about how Google is taking back control of Android at the expense of the software’s open source roots. Slowly, Google is ceasing development on the open source versions of key apps, such as the software keyboard and the web browser, while building up proprietary apps such as Google Keyboard and Chrome. All these apps are then licensed to phone makers as a package deal. If you’re Samsung, you can’t include Google’s app store without also including Google’s search app and web browser. This is how Google ensures that its services are available on all major Android phones.

The problem for Google is that it’s still easy for phone makers to circumvent those services. Samsung, for instance, has simply created its own versions of most Android core functions and hidden the Google stuff away by default. It makes for bloated software, but it’s the only way Samsung can try to establish its own non-Google services.

Taiwan led the charge, with 89 percent of revenue from Android devices coming from games, in contrast to 84 percent on an iPhone or iPad. Korea ranked second in combined revenue share across the two platforms – Distimo believes that a whopping 94 percent of revenue in the Google Play store was generated by games last month.

One of the most talked-about Android 4.4 features is its ability to run on low-end phones. While this matters little to users in developed countries, it’s a sign that Android updates–the ones named after desserts–are becoming more about under-the-hood changes and subtle design tweaks. All the bigger features are being served on the side.

But just looking back to the release notes for Android 4.0 from two years ago, you can see how much things have changed. Features like the redesigned home screen, resizeable widgets, improved keyboard and better voice search–none of them would require a full Android update today. You’d just update their respective apps, or the Google Home launcher itself, through the app store.

Previously exclusive to BlackBerry smartphones, BBM is now available as a free
download in Google Play and the App Store. Android smartphones must be
running Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean (Android 4.x) and iPhones must be
running iOS 6 and iOS 7.

nuevas apps android

Los chicos de Vector Unit han desarrollado un nuevo motor gráfico, el Vector Engine 4, con el que han mejorado con creces el apartado visual. De hecho, esta optimizado para correr en la tarjeta Negra 4 de NVIDIA, que será la elegida para mover las imágenes de su portátil NVIDIA SHIELD.

The new section detailing apps for children under aged 13 specifies that such apps must include a privacy policy, may not include behavioral advertising (ads based on in-app activity, for example), and must ask for parental permission before allowing children to “link out of the app or engage in commerce.” Apps in the Kids Category of the App Store must be made specifically for children “ages 5 and under, ages 6–8, or ages 9–11.”

WHO BUILT IT: The app was developed by Magno Edilberto Conag III, president of Philippines-based mobile software development company Nueva Caceres Technology Solutions, Inc. The data come from the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration.

La segunda parte de esta app para Andorid trae nuevos vehículos personalizables en diseño, forma y mecánica gracias a un sistema de mejoras. Cada upgrade cuesta dinero que ganaras con cada victoria y descubrirás nuevas conforme subas de nivel.

En lo que se refiere a las apps Google ha adoptado en aplicaciones como Google Play o Google+ una interfaz basada en tarjetas que bebe de Google Now. Este nuevo diseño ha llegado ahora también a YouTube, por lo que poco a poco las apps móviles de la compañía se parecen más. Esta nueva versión de YouTube para Android está ya disponible en Google Play.

Riptide GP2 vuelve a tu dispositivo Android con las carreras acuáticas más cañeras. Vuelve a correr en escenarios fantásticos en los que tendrás que demostrar que eres el más habilidoso para alzarte con la victoria no sólo contra la máquina, también contra el resto del mundo en el modo online