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We used our PadGadget Apps Tracker to find these great deals and we’ll continue to look for the best app deals as they pop-up. Some of these apps are up to 80% off, several are even free, so be sure to check them out because they are on sale for a limited time.
We use our PadGadget Apps Tracker to constantly monitor the App Store to find the biggest price changes on iPad apps. Our editorial team goes through the data, picks the best deals on the most interesting apps and then brings them to you on a regular basis. All app prices are checked at the time of posting but prices are subject to change without notice. When developers put their apps on sale it’s usually for a very limited time, often 24 hours or less, so be sure to check pricing on iTunes before making a purchase.
When Silvio Rizzi pulled down the Reeder app for iPad after Google Reader’s death, he swore to develop and eventually release a new version. Now, Rizzi has made good on that promise by launching Reeder 2 — a reworking of the older RSS reader that’s compatible with both iPhones and iPads. The app sports a brand-spankin’ new interface that replaces the old browns and sepias with gray, pulls feeds from several sources — including Feedly and Feedbin — and it can now also open links on Google Chrome. Reeder 2’s now available on the App Store, but if you feel iffy shelling out $4.99 for it, you can give the RSS client a whirl by getting the older iPhone version for the low, low price of free.