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Selfie Gym Pro Editor: Taking selfies is all the rage these days (unfortunately) and unsurprisingly, people (read: weirdos) use them to try and show off their bodies. Anyway, if you’re one of those people, but you don’t have much to show off then this is the app for you. Selfie Gym Pro Editor will let you fiddle with your photos to make it look like you hit the gym a lot more often than you do, as well as messing about with the tone of your skin. You know, for reasons. [£1.49]

“Godzilla: Strike Zone” is rated 12 or higher for violence. This free iPad, iPhone app, requires iOS 5.0 or later, is compatible with iPad, iPhone and iPod touch and is iPhone 5 optimized.

The new iPad version of the free “Beats Music” app contains the same features as its version for iPhone and iPod touch. There is a handpicked mix of albums and playlists personally customized for listeners, the “Just For You” option, as well as the ability to create your own playlists and discover new music on your own or with friends. But the free iPad version brings a specially designed interface for iPad as well as dedicated support for both portrait and landscape modes.

The leak that Apple will bring over “Touch ID” to the new iPad Air 2 now has more credibility thanks to the analysis by Ming-Chi Kuo. Kuo has a credible track record in predicting Apple plans. “Touch ID,” introduced in iPhone 5s, both replaces the manual passcode for security and easily authenticates anything a user purchases from “iTunes.” “Touch ID” is so successful on iPhone 5s that many Apple observers believe that “Touch ID” will become the foundation of an Apple mobile payments platform.

Google Docs: You know what Google Docs is, I’m sure. Google has released an Android (and iOS) app so you can use Google Docs on the go. Create new documents, edit old ones, everything you can do with Google Docs in the browser you can do with this. [Free]

Money Dashboard: This is a handy finance app, that lets manage your money on the move. Money Dashboard will link up to all of your current, credit, and savings accounts and automatically update as and when things change. You’ll be able to see and monitor your money in one easy to read space, which is pretty damn useful if you ask me. [Free]

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Our Top Deal today is the 16GB Apple iPad Air for only $429 and free shipping! Normally $499, this is one of the most popular tablets around so don’t miss out on this discount!

On the iOS device, sign into the same Wi-Fi network that the Apple TV connects to. For those who connected via Ethernet, connect to the Wi-Fi network available from the same router connected to the Apple TV. To do this, open Settings on the iOS device and choose Wi-Fi. Let it find the right network and tap it. Sign in with the Wi-Fi password.

AirServer or Reflector turns a Mac into an AirPlay receiver for people who want to stream the contents of their iOS device to a Mac like it’s an Apple TV. Teachers can use the iPad in their class streaming the content to the classroom computer hooked up to a projector. People who make videos of apps on an iPad or iPhone can use this along with screen recording software on the Mac.

Even though Apple TV includes Netflix, using AirPlay lets users show their Netflix account on a friend’s Apple TV without the friend logging out of his or her account on the Apple TV. Considering how annoying it is to enter email and passwords on an Apple TV, this makes sense.

Blake was born in Beaumont, Texas, about 100 miles away from Houston. Even as a youngster, technology came to him very naturally, tinkering with anything he could. His passion of technology grew with mobile phones when he dreamed that the capabilities of phones would eventually make one’s life much easier. Since then it’s been his mission to advocate the push of mobile technology to anyone who will listen.

From iTunes, start playing a video or music and it will stream to the Apple TV. If it doesn’t, then start the video or audio. Select the AirPlay icon that shows up on the control box, which will show up when a user moves the mouse over the iTunes play screen as seen above. Click the AirPlay button and choose the Apple TV.

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This chart demonstrating the early period since the start of both app collections demonstrates Apple’s lead on total downloaded apps, a title that Apple still holds today with a 60 billion number that has not yet been surpassed by Android. Although Android is gaining fast. This chart demonstrates Apple’s early lead during the first 39 months after both stores opened for business.

“Last year was all about chart-boosting,” said Bill Clifford, chief revenue officer at the mobile ad firm SessionM, “Buying as many app installs as possible as short a timeframe as possible to get to the top of the charts.  Now there are fewer loopholes available to artificially inflate rankings, and legit companies won’t spend their time with it.”

SearchMan CEO Niren Hiro ran these same queries again for the date of November 24th, 2013 and found the results had definitely shifted, though not always for the better. (See chart below).

And despite Apple cracking down on the practice of companies like Tapjoy selling paid app installs, ad networks like San Francisco-based CyberZ still promise “personalized campaigns based on your desired number of installs,” as James Armfield, the company’s business development specialist, put it in a recent pitch.

The point is that Android is not far behind on downloads, and will likely surpass apple in the future. Although Apple will most likely retain its higher total revenue from app sales and higher amount paid to developers over Android for the foreseeable future.

Several mobile insiders praised Apple for helping push some of those practices to the margins, particularly since Apple cracked down on companies like Tapjoy offering gamers free lives or game currency in exchange for downloading apps. “Apple did a really nice job cleaning that up,” said Craig Palli, chief strategy officer at the app marketing firm Fiksu.



So when is this going to happen? Well, given that the iPad 5 launch event is set for October 22nd, we expect Apple to make changes on October 22nd. If the iPad 2 is getting replaced, it will be taken out of the Apple Store next week. As for the iPad 5, we expect the release date to land around November 1st, a Friday, and 10 days after the iPad launch event.

As for the iPad Mini, USA Today reports that it will get Retina display for its 7.9 inch diagonal display. Apple representatives say it’s faster with a 5 megapixel camera. It comes in colors silver, white, space gray and black, and costs $399 for 16GB with Wifi, and $529 with cell tech, reports USA Today.

But perhaps a simpler explanation for the iPad 2’s popularity is that you can still buy one today — for $100 less than the current generation. The fourth-generation iPad replaced the third-generation tablet when it went it was released, while the iPad 2 has remained on sale for the entire time.

Our partners at USA Today report that Phil Schiller, senior vice president of worldwide marketing at Apple, introduced the iPad Air to an audience saying, “This is the biggest step yet.”

Currently, the iPad 2, a device that is now several years old, is being sold alongside the iPad 4 inside Apple’s Store. However, it’s looking like that’s going to change very soon. Rumors suggest that the iPad 5 is in its way to replace the iPad 4 as the company’s flagship full-sized iPad. The device is rumored to be bringing all sorts of upgrades to the table and it’s likely to phase out at least one of the current models.

According to USA TODAY, the iPad Air weighs 1 pound, down from 1.4 pounds. Inside, the iPad Air has an Apple A7 chip, which is the same as an iPhone 5s, according to USA TODAY. 

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It’s a significant saving for consumers, and should help boost Apple’s user base across all of these premium apps. Many iPhone owners are turning to third-party alternatives such as Snapseed for photo-editing or Byword for writing text documents. Now that these apps are free, they’ll be hoping that some of these users come back when they upgrade their iPhone or iPad.

Tim pengembang juga mengklaim bawa pencinta serial FIFA 14 akan memiliki kontrol sentuh penuh intuitif di perangkat besutan raksasa Cupertino itu. Terlebih, kontroler Apple juga akan mendukung API di iOS 7.

Apple si è quindi comportata male con tutti i suoi utenti, primo perché molti di noi hanno acquistato queste app e avrebbero potuto averle in modo del tutto gratuito, secondo perché se uno ha un iPad di quarta generazione e non comprerà quello di quinta, le app le deve pagare comunque, nonostante abbia speso gli oltre 500 euro necessario per acquistarlo.

Opera hat einen neuen Browser speziell für das iPad entwickelt, und deshalb sei es auch der beste Browser für das iPad – sagt zumindest der Entwickler. Dem ersten Eindruck nach hat Opera auf jeden Fall einiges richtig gemacht. Generell kostenlos.

Se ancora non le avete acquistate, invece, non fatelo. Se avete intenzione di acquistare un nuovo iPhone/iPad ci eravate arrivati già da soli, ovviamente, ma non acquistatele nemmeno se non ne avete intenzione, anzi cercate qualche amico che possa “condividere” con voi queste app. Lui, infatti, alla prima accensione del dispositivo, scaricherà gratis le app ottenendole come “acquistate” su App Store: una volta compiuto questo passaggio, sarà sufficiente effettuare il login su App Store con il suo Apple ID (se non vuole, a ragione, rivelare la password, fate effettuare il login direttamente a lui) quindi scaricare le app che saranno, a questo punto, gratuite. Effettuiamo il logout e rientriamo con il nostro Apple ID: le app rimarranno a pagamento, per noi, ma così le avremo tutte sul nostro iPad senza spendere un euro, anche se non saranno aggiornabili (male di poco, visto che gli aggiornamenti delle app Apple sono molto rari…). Una piccola rivalsa su Apple che, in questo caso, si è comportata veramente male con i “vecchi” utenti.

CALIFORNIA – Sepekan sudah tim pengembang judul game ternama dari Negeri Paman Sam, EA Sports meluncurkan cuplikan demo simulasi game sepakbola terbarunya yakni FIFA 14. Informasi terkini menyebutkan bahwa kreator permainan tersebut resmi merilis FIFA 14 secara ekslusif untuk pengguna perangkat keluaran Apple.

noticias tecnologicas

La decisión no era baladí. A pesar de que el fallo no afectaba al iPhone 4S ni al 5, sí lo hacía al 4 y 3GS, además del iPad 3G y 2 3G de la empresa telefónica AT&T. Estos modelos son considerados actualmente los low cost de la compañía. Es decir, la puerta de entrada hacia el universo Apple de miles de usuarios que no quieren gastarse mucho dinero.

En este caso, el Gobierno de EEUU no solo se ha opuesto a la prohibición de la ITC sobre Apple, sino que además ha recomendado que el Congreso limite su autoridad para imponer prohibiciones en un futuro.

Se espera que Microsoft, Mozilla, Google y Apple lancen nuevas experiencias a través de sistemas operativos nuevos o un buscador que permita ver las aplicaciones del escritorio. Esto presentará nuevas oportunidades dedistribución, entretenimiento y monetización para las marcas de medios.

Aunque las decisiones de la ITC son irreversibles, lo cierto es que están sujetas a la revisión del presidente. Aquel día, cuando la Comisión falló a favor de Samsung, el consejo de sabios de Apple trazó un plan que a cualquier otra empresa le habría parecido un imposible: que la Casa Blanca anulase el fallo en un plazo de 60 días. Para eso había que convencer al mismísimo Obama y su CEO, Tim Cook, no lo tendría fácil. Hacía mucho tiempo que un presidente de EEUU no vetaba un fallo de la ITC. En concreto, desde la Administración Reagan. Y eso fue en 1987. Pero Apple no es una compañía cualquiera.

Creemos que hay una oportunidad para las que las marcas distribuyan contenido para que los usuarios consuman a través de estos canales sociales. El lector de noticias del Washington Post en Facebook es un gran ejemplo de esto.

El pasado mes de junio, Samsung se apuntó una gran victoria legal sobre su competidora Apple en la denominada guerra de las patentes. La Comisión de Comercio Internacional de EEUU (ITC) falló a favor de la surcoreana al considerar que los de Cupertino violaban una patente de su rival tecnológica.