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Das Quizspiel Trivia Crack, das Götterspiel Gods VS Humans – Protect your Kingdom, das Rollenspiel Eve of the Genesis sowie das Jump-and-Run-Spiel To-Fu Fury mit Rätselelementen sollen ebenfalls für einen angenehmen Zeitvertreib sorgen. Dann gibt es noch die Strategiespiele Braveland, Devil’s Attorney und Eufloria HD, das Reaktionsspiel Unpossible, das Weltraumspiel Alpha Wave und das Gruselspiel Knock-Knock, außerdem die Adventure-Titel Can You Escape und Web of Deceit: Black Widow Collector’s Edition, der hier in der Kindle-Tablet-Edition angeboten wird.

In der aktuellen Aktion ist die Gratis-App des Tages erneut gleich in den Angeboten integriert. Wer sich alle Aktions-Apps installiert, kann bis zu 100 Euro sparen, verspricht Amazon. Allerdings gibt es drei der Apps nur für Amazon-Geräte. 23 der 41 App-Angebote sind Spiele.

Microsoft’s plans might sound crazy to most, and at first glance it’s easy to come to that conclusion, but the company argues it’s a matter of moving its free web apps to mobile. “It’s an extension of the strategy that we’ve got,” explains Microsoft’s head of Office marketing Michael Atalla. “It’s not a total strategic shift, as much of an extension of the existing strategy.” Microsoft offers free Office apps online, and Atalla argues that recent development model changes inside Microsoft have allowed the company to open up editing functionality to mobile clients. “We’re taking that same user experience we provide online to the native apps of iOS and Android. We want to make sure that our customers can be productive across all the devices they have.”

Microsoft had al de drie Office-apps gemaakt voor de iPad en voor Android-telefoons. Vanaf nu is ook de iOS-app van Office beschikbaar voor de iPhone. Blijkbaar duurt het wat langer om de Android-tabletapp voor Office te maken. Mogelijk komt dit doordat Microsoft denkt dat Apple een grotere concurrent is dan Google, als het gaat om deze kantoorsoftware. De gratis software is alleen beschikbaar voor consumenten. Zakelijke gebruikers moeten gewoon betalen voor de dienst.

Als weitere Apps bietet Amazon die Haushaltsbuch-App Money Wiz, die Sprachlern-App Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, die Stoppuhr- und Timer-App Timers 4 Me and Stopwatch Pro sowie die Sprachmemo-App Easy Voice Recorder Pro an.

Microsoft gaat haar Office-apps voor Android en iOS gratis maken. De losse applicaties van Office, Word, Excel en PowerPoint, zijn vanaf nu gratis te gebruiken op Android-telefoons, de iPhone en op je iPad. Aan de Office-apps voor Android-tablets wordt nog hard gewerkt. De ontwikkelaars van Microsoft denken de Word-, Excel- en Powerpoint-app voor Android-tablets met een schermformaat van 7 inch of meer in 2015 klaar te hebben. Voor nu is op uitnodiging slechts een preview beschikbaar.

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The three apps no longer require a Office 365 subscription to edit files. Previously you could only view files without such a subscription. Basic editing functionality and other features are now free. More advanced options, such as formatting changes, are still available only for Office 365 subscribers.

China’s app stores are notorious for two things: pirated apps, and huge amounts of malware. It’s a particular problem for smartphones running Google’s Android OS, especially because the official Google Play app store is not available in China. In its place hundreds of third-party app stores have sprung up, some from major tech companies like Baidu and Tencent, along with many others from smaller companies. A study last year of the twenty biggest global Android app stores found over 7,000 dangerous malware-carrying apps (pdf) on offer, most of them in China.

Microsoft Word for the iPhone.

But with Windows Phone on just 2.5 percent of the mobile devices worldwide and with iOS and Android collectively on nearly 93 percent of devices, it seems like a savvy move to get Office into those realms — especially with freemium software that could eventually lead users to pay for Office 365 subscriptions.

And what of Office for Android? Microsoft said that beta testing has already started for Android tablets and that the apps will become available in 2015. It also said that a version for Android phones (with similar features to what exists for iOS) will be available shortly afterward.

On Friday, the mobile version of Word surged to No. 2 among free apps in Apple’s App Store. This comes just one day after Microsoft dropped the requirement of buying an Office 365 subscription to edit documents in the Word app for the Apple iPhone.

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Lenka is a remarkably simple yet powerful, dedicated black & white camera app developed in France by world renowned photographer Kevin Abosch ( for professionals & amateurs alike, to create beautiful black & white photographs. With Lenka there’s no searching through filters after you take the photo. Realtime B&W preview while Lenka’s image processing with automatic exposure, yields photos with a distinct look and signature we hope you like as much as we do! Lenka is optimized for iPhones with 4 inch screens. For highest image quality, we suggest using an iPhone 5, 5c or 5s.

You get the chance to try out all your skills in the CRAZY MISSIONS! You’ll never complete them all!And check out Buddyman’s bright and colorful inner world! Ketchup, Zombie or Hippy? Try all these amazing new features!

– Current Local Weather– 7-Day & Hourly Forecast that reveals on tap– Fahrenheit & Celsius settings– A fully automated night mode that would make Batman jealous– Optional Dark & Light modes– % chance of rain day– Sunrise & Sunset times– A Globally reaching Geo-location Weather API– Intuitive Weather Interface– A ‘carpe diem’ swag

These are paid iPhone and iPad apps that have been made available for free for a limited time by their developers. There is no way to tell how long they will be free. These sales could end an hour from now or a week from now — obviously, the only thing we can guarantee is that they are free at the time this post is published. If you click on a link and see a price listed next to an app instead of the word “free,” it is no longer free. The sale has ended. If you download the app, you will be charged.

• Virtual Trainer PRO is just like turning your iPhone into a Personal Trainer. All you need is to start a workout, follow the video instructions and try to keep up with the timer!

• Build your own workouts with a simple drag and drop interface. Choose from over 500 exercise videos with everything from bodyweight exercises you can do at home to advanced TRX and crossfit for the gym.

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La música ha sido siempre parte esencial de la vida de las personas y prácticamente desde sus inicios ha estado relacionada con la manera en que vivimos y somos cada una de las personas que formamos este “pequeño” mundo. En la actualidad, descargar música de manera gratuita forma parte del día a día de la sociedad y gracias a los smartphones tabletas Android, existen infinidad de aplicaciones que nos permiten descargar y escuchar vía streaming todo tipo de música, de todos los estios diferentes.

To jump-start mobile Business, Yahoo is buying Flurry, the mobile app analytics and advertising startup. Financial terms of the deal weren’t disclosed but it is believed the price could be anywhere between US $200 and US $300M.

It’s an area that has seen some consolidation. For instance, Onavo was acquired by Facebook. Distimo was acquired by AppAnnie. And Twitter has also made a number of acquisitions to boost its mobile analytics capabilities.

What Flurry could give to Yahoo precisely is not just a boost in mobile advertising revenues, but, a more central role in how others are monetizing and using mobile, while it builds out its own apps and app inventory, and advertising to run across them.

Video demand-side platform TubeMogul priced the shares for its public offering on Thursday at US $7 per share and finished on Friday at US $11.50,up 64% on its first day of trade.  Monday Morning (July 21) the stock was trading in the US US$ 10.6- US$ 11.7 range. Thanks to prior investors, who bought US $25 million of the shares offered in the deal (US $5 million of insider buying from Trinity Ventures, adding to the US$20 million indicated by Foundation Capital) , and the basement price of the shares TubeMogul found itself raising around US $43.8 million when then company had expected to raise US $93 million. Tube Mogul has software that allows agencies and advertisers to run commercials on online video portals such as YouTube and Vimeo.

What: Yahoo is buying mobile app analytics and advertising startup Flurry to jump-start its’ mobile Business. Financial terms of the deal weren’t disclosed but it is believed the price could be anywhere between US $200 and US $300M.Why it matters: While the market for mobile ads is set to grow nearly 85% this year, Flurry could not only boost Yahoo’s  mobile advertising revenues, but give this company a more central role in how to use and monetize mobile, while it builds out its own apps and app inventory, and advertising to run across them.

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PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — What Target calls its largest store on the east coast opens along Route 202 in King of Prussia on Sunday, but an even bigger battle is brewing for the shopping you do on your smartphone.

The roll-out of the 4G LTE is in partnership with AT&T. Benefits include in-vehicle WiFi hot spots, new infotainment options like streaming video entertainment in the back seat, real-time updates and faster application downloads.

There are so many ways to sell products online, each with its own set of advantages. Small business owners are often forced to choose between a marketplace such as Etsy or selling directly through a stand-alone online store – and we don’t want our users to have to choose. This new Etsy app combines strengths from both offerings and encompasses what Wix is all about: giving users powerful tools and the complete freedom to create and manage their online presence, just as they want.

“Giving consumers access to important medical cost information is improving transparency and making it easier for people to navigate the health care system,” Yasmine Winkler, UnitedHealthcare’s chief product, marketing and innovation officer, said in a news release.

UnitedHealthcare is one of the first national health care companies to enable all consumers to comparison shop for medical services using a “guest” version of a mobile medical price services available through Health4Me. More than 900,000 UnitedHealthcare members have downloaded the app.

The Etsy app follows other recent announcements from Wix, such as the launch of Wix Hive and Wix ShoutOut, and could be a sign that the historically publishing-focused company is trying to become a complete business management platform.

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Non mancheremo a breve di approfondire quali sono le migliori applicazioni da portare con sé e consultare durante l’estate 2014, ma visto che siamo a luglio, come di consueto andiamo a elencare le migliori 5 app gratis Android del mese. Stavolta abbiamo scelto strumenti di download musicali, software per monitorare lo stato di salute e di memoria del nostro device, aggregatori di notizie, programmi per la produttività e il lavoro e per i viaggi in treno. Non perdiamo altro tempo e andiamo a scoprire le migliori 5 app Android di luglio 2014.

Questo mese vi proporremo un elenco delle 8 più interessanti e recenti applicazioni per Windows Phone da provare a luglio 2014. Una breve descrizione sintetica vi guiderà verso l’app che più corrisponde alle vostre esigenze: ce ne sono di interessanti e per tutti i gusti. Considerando anche che Windows Phone è un sistema operativo sempre più utilizzato dagli utenti italiani, anche grazie all’appeal dei modelli Lumia, non ci resta che andare subito al dunque e scoprire le 10 app per Windows Phone da non perdere a luglio 2014.

Afgelopen week kon je al lezen dat Day One gratis gedownload kon worden voor de allereerste keer. Inmiddels weten we waarom, want Apple heeft de app uitgekozen tot de app van de week. De app zal dus simpelweg één week lang gratis gedownload kunnen worden.

Day One staat bekend als een van de beste dagboek-apps voor iOS, en ook nog voor de Mac. De Mac-versie van Day One heeft zelfs een Apple Design Award gewonnen op de World Wide Developers Conference eerder dit jaar. Met de Mac-versie is het mogelijk om altijd en overal te schrijven hoe je dag was. Uiteraard kun je nog allerlei media toevoegen aan de apps.

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Als weitere Zugabe gibt es am 27. Juni 2014 das Knobelspiel MacGyver Tödlicher Abstieg. Welche Gratis-App am morgigen Samstag angeboten wird, ist noch nicht bekannt. Die Gratis-App des Tages ist bis Mitternacht verfügbar.

Pocket Informant 3 – Uno de los calendarios más completos con infinidad de opciones de configuración. Podrás guardar notas de voz así como sincronizar tus contactos y tus tareas con otros dispositivos.  Coste normal: 7,24 €

Mit Plex für Android ist der bequeme Zugriff auf die Plex-Medieninhalte vom Smartphone oder Tablet aus möglich. Mit Splashtop Remote Desktop HD und Jump Desktop von Phase Five Systems gibt es zwei unterschiedliche Apps für den Remote-Zugriff vom Android-Gerät auf einen Computer, wobei beide Apps Windows und Mac OS unterstützen.

Como bien hemos dicho anteriormente, WhatsApp Plus no está disponible en Google Play ni en la tienda de Amazon, por lo que tendremos que recurrir a tiendas de terceros para poder adquirirla e instalarla en nuestro dispositivo.

Como bien sabrás, WhatsApp es la app de mensajería instantánea más utilizada de todo el mundo, pero poco a poco aplicaciones alternativas a ella, como pueden ser Line, Telegram o incluso Snapchat están ganando importancia e incluso le están empezando a hacer la competencia a la popular aplicación para todos los dispositivos móviles.

Hinzu kommen die Puzzlespiele Cross Me und Puzzingo Puzzles (Pro Edition), der RPG-Titel Dungeon Village, das Kartenspiel Card Wars – Adventure Time, das Knobelspiel Enigmatis: Die Seelen von Maple Creek, das Hochzeitsplanungsspiel Wedding Dash Deluxe sowie den eher für Kinder geeigneten Titel Dr. Pandas Busfahrer. Einige der Titel sind mit In-App-Käufen versehen, so dass der Spieler Level oder Inventar dazu kaufen muss, um es weiterspielen zu können.

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Step 6: Now that the WhatsApp app and database are copied, you can thank the donor iPhone for its services. Make sure you remove the SIM card from the iPhone and then uninstall WhatsApp from it. Also make sure you don’t install and activate the same SIM card with WhatsApp on another device.

To close it you need to swipe upwards on the main image. It shouldn’t take too long to disappear and then you’ll see the last few applications from the list. You might not want to shut them all down so you can just scroll through and decide which ones you need to shut down individually.

Before we begin, let us inform you about a few crucial conditions, which will ensure that WhatsApp functions on your iPad/iPod. As you should know, WhatsApp can only run on a smart device which has a working SIM card installed in it. When installing WhatsApp, the app sends a message to its servers, and then intercepts an incoming SMS to the device to confirm and activate it. Also, you cannot use WhatsApp with the same SIM card or phone number on more than one phone. To use it on another smartphone, you need to have a new number or transfer the old data to the new phone.

Unlike before you’ll also get a useful thumbnail image which shows off what was going on when you last used the application. From here you can either enter the app by tapping on the icon at the bottom of the screen, scroll through them by swiping left or right or you can close it down.

Apps on your iOS 7 device can be using up a load of your battery, memory and overall power just by running in the background. Sometimes it’s just easier to shut them down all together and not use them again until you really need to. But not everyone knows how to do it.

Step 4: Once you connect your iPhone to the computer, sync it with iTunes so that the software can back up the apps from the iPhone to the computer. We need the WhatsApp app file (.ipa) so that we can install it on the iPad. WhatsApp cannot be installed on the iPad from the App Store, and hence we need to get the app .ipa file using this procedure. Copy the WhatsApp.ipa file from the folder where iTunes stores the data to the desktop. Usually on a Windows PC, it should be in this location: ‘C:UsersUsernameMy MusiciTunesiTunes MediaMobile Applications’. On a Mac machine, it would be in ‘/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Mobile Applications/’. Once done copying, start iFunBox.

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“This announcement is great news for developers working on improving their app store conversions,” Cipolla said. “This is surfacing a lot of useful information that was previously unavailable. However, as app owners look at their app as a cross platform service there is a need for services like App Annie/Distimo to collect a cross platform view.”

At its Worldwide Developer Conference on Monday, Apple announced an update to iTunes Connect, its dashboard that helps developers manage apps, advertising campaigns, bug testing, banking, in-app purchases and more. Apple will update iTunes Connect with a fresh look later this year as well as provide a new analytics dashboard to track users visit and downloads.

“Most importantly, we are adding variable analytics,” said Apple’s apple vice president OS 10 platform experience Andreas Wendker at the WWDC Platforms State Of The Union address. “These analytics will tell you how many people visited your App Store pages. How many users went on and purchased your app, how many remained active over time. And best of all, connecting all of this information displayed right to iOS and is completely automatic. There is no need for any special libraries or code on your part for analytics.”

“This is very different from app analytics,” said Henry Cipolla, co-founder and CTO of Localytics. “This focuses on performance of the app in the store. This is helpful for users trying to optimize their app store SEO and understand which apps are driving the most purchases. App analytics are more focused on what users in the app are doing and providing tools to engage with these users. App store analytics are a great compliment to usage analytics as they provide a view into what users do before they download the app.”

“I do read your emails,” Apple CEO Tim Cook said in response to WWDC audience members’ enthusiastic reaction to the new feature. “Users can buy multiple apps at a discounted price with just one tap.”

Despite the widespread enthusiasm that followed the announcement, it remains unclear to many in the bitcoin community as to what exactly the policy change means for bitcoin and other digital currencies, which are still fighting to define their regulatory status around the globe.

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Selfie Gym Pro Editor: Taking selfies is all the rage these days (unfortunately) and unsurprisingly, people (read: weirdos) use them to try and show off their bodies. Anyway, if you’re one of those people, but you don’t have much to show off then this is the app for you. Selfie Gym Pro Editor will let you fiddle with your photos to make it look like you hit the gym a lot more often than you do, as well as messing about with the tone of your skin. You know, for reasons. [£1.49]

“Godzilla: Strike Zone” is rated 12 or higher for violence. This free iPad, iPhone app, requires iOS 5.0 or later, is compatible with iPad, iPhone and iPod touch and is iPhone 5 optimized.

The new iPad version of the free “Beats Music” app contains the same features as its version for iPhone and iPod touch. There is a handpicked mix of albums and playlists personally customized for listeners, the “Just For You” option, as well as the ability to create your own playlists and discover new music on your own or with friends. But the free iPad version brings a specially designed interface for iPad as well as dedicated support for both portrait and landscape modes.

The leak that Apple will bring over “Touch ID” to the new iPad Air 2 now has more credibility thanks to the analysis by Ming-Chi Kuo. Kuo has a credible track record in predicting Apple plans. “Touch ID,” introduced in iPhone 5s, both replaces the manual passcode for security and easily authenticates anything a user purchases from “iTunes.” “Touch ID” is so successful on iPhone 5s that many Apple observers believe that “Touch ID” will become the foundation of an Apple mobile payments platform.

Google Docs: You know what Google Docs is, I’m sure. Google has released an Android (and iOS) app so you can use Google Docs on the go. Create new documents, edit old ones, everything you can do with Google Docs in the browser you can do with this. [Free]

Money Dashboard: This is a handy finance app, that lets manage your money on the move. Money Dashboard will link up to all of your current, credit, and savings accounts and automatically update as and when things change. You’ll be able to see and monitor your money in one easy to read space, which is pretty damn useful if you ask me. [Free]