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Das Quizspiel Trivia Crack, das Götterspiel Gods VS Humans – Protect your Kingdom, das Rollenspiel Eve of the Genesis sowie das Jump-and-Run-Spiel To-Fu Fury mit Rätselelementen sollen ebenfalls für einen angenehmen Zeitvertreib sorgen. Dann gibt es noch die Strategiespiele Braveland, Devil’s Attorney und Eufloria HD, das Reaktionsspiel Unpossible, das Weltraumspiel Alpha Wave und das Gruselspiel Knock-Knock, außerdem die Adventure-Titel Can You Escape und Web of Deceit: Black Widow Collector’s Edition, der hier in der Kindle-Tablet-Edition angeboten wird.

In der aktuellen Aktion ist die Gratis-App des Tages erneut gleich in den Angeboten integriert. Wer sich alle Aktions-Apps installiert, kann bis zu 100 Euro sparen, verspricht Amazon. Allerdings gibt es drei der Apps nur für Amazon-Geräte. 23 der 41 App-Angebote sind Spiele.

Microsoft’s plans might sound crazy to most, and at first glance it’s easy to come to that conclusion, but the company argues it’s a matter of moving its free web apps to mobile. “It’s an extension of the strategy that we’ve got,” explains Microsoft’s head of Office marketing Michael Atalla. “It’s not a total strategic shift, as much of an extension of the existing strategy.” Microsoft offers free Office apps online, and Atalla argues that recent development model changes inside Microsoft have allowed the company to open up editing functionality to mobile clients. “We’re taking that same user experience we provide online to the native apps of iOS and Android. We want to make sure that our customers can be productive across all the devices they have.”

Microsoft had al de drie Office-apps gemaakt voor de iPad en voor Android-telefoons. Vanaf nu is ook de iOS-app van Office beschikbaar voor de iPhone. Blijkbaar duurt het wat langer om de Android-tabletapp voor Office te maken. Mogelijk komt dit doordat Microsoft denkt dat Apple een grotere concurrent is dan Google, als het gaat om deze kantoorsoftware. De gratis software is alleen beschikbaar voor consumenten. Zakelijke gebruikers moeten gewoon betalen voor de dienst.

Als weitere Apps bietet Amazon die Haushaltsbuch-App Money Wiz, die Sprachlern-App Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, die Stoppuhr- und Timer-App Timers 4 Me and Stopwatch Pro sowie die Sprachmemo-App Easy Voice Recorder Pro an.

Microsoft gaat haar Office-apps voor Android en iOS gratis maken. De losse applicaties van Office, Word, Excel en PowerPoint, zijn vanaf nu gratis te gebruiken op Android-telefoons, de iPhone en op je iPad. Aan de Office-apps voor Android-tablets wordt nog hard gewerkt. De ontwikkelaars van Microsoft denken de Word-, Excel- en Powerpoint-app voor Android-tablets met een schermformaat van 7 inch of meer in 2015 klaar te hebben. Voor nu is op uitnodiging slechts een preview beschikbaar.

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The three apps no longer require a Office 365 subscription to edit files. Previously you could only view files without such a subscription. Basic editing functionality and other features are now free. More advanced options, such as formatting changes, are still available only for Office 365 subscribers.

China’s app stores are notorious for two things: pirated apps, and huge amounts of malware. It’s a particular problem for smartphones running Google’s Android OS, especially because the official Google Play app store is not available in China. In its place hundreds of third-party app stores have sprung up, some from major tech companies like Baidu and Tencent, along with many others from smaller companies. A study last year of the twenty biggest global Android app stores found over 7,000 dangerous malware-carrying apps (pdf) on offer, most of them in China.

Microsoft Word for the iPhone.

But with Windows Phone on just 2.5 percent of the mobile devices worldwide and with iOS and Android collectively on nearly 93 percent of devices, it seems like a savvy move to get Office into those realms — especially with freemium software that could eventually lead users to pay for Office 365 subscriptions.

And what of Office for Android? Microsoft said that beta testing has already started for Android tablets and that the apps will become available in 2015. It also said that a version for Android phones (with similar features to what exists for iOS) will be available shortly afterward.

On Friday, the mobile version of Word surged to No. 2 among free apps in Apple’s App Store. This comes just one day after Microsoft dropped the requirement of buying an Office 365 subscription to edit documents in the Word app for the Apple iPhone.

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New APIs in Android Lollipop bring capabilities similar to iOS 7’s iBeacons, allowing your device to interact with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices. Apple’s iBeacons are used for location-aware apps. But In Google’s version, the APIs are aimed mainly at advertising-oriented beacons, such as to accept messages as you walk a mall or store. (Remember: Google’s business is about data mining to sell ads, so using BLE as a marketing technology makes perfect sense for Android.) But they can also be used for less-intrusive purposes, such as triggering door locks.

Apple will also continue to sell the original iPad Air from last year (in 16GB or 32GB versions). The original iPad Air is virtually identical in features to the smaller iPad mini 2, apart from having a higher quality display, albeit at the same Retina display resolution.

According to AndroidPolice, the first OTA update will be released on the 3rd of November, but only for the Wi-Fi versions of the 2012 and 2013 Nexus 7, and Nexus 10. The Nexus 5 and two-year-old Nexus 4 will have to wait, as Wi-Fi and cellular devices take a little longer to develop updates for. Google seemingly confirmed that date in a note to app developers, revealing that the Lollipop software development kit (SDK) was available and that they could start testing their apps or publishing them to the Google Play store. It closed by saying consumers would get their first lick of Lollipop on the 3rd of November.

Press really impresses with its design, as it really gets the app out of the way so you can focus on reading. Also, where Feedly has seemingly thrown in the kitchen sink with features, Press takes the minimalist path.

Apple’s efforts to create a rich ecosystem of iPad apps deliver a strong differentiating feature over the large number of Android tablets that are designed to largely run stretched smartphone apps, or the hybrid tablet or 2-1 netbook PC devices that are intended to run Windows desktop apps—titles that aren’t really designed to work well on a tablet scale.

Google has touted that Android Lollipop will enable encryption by default, so it’ll be hard for cyber criminals and government spies to access your information. That’s supposed to bring Android to par with iOS, which has had encryption on by default since 2010’s iOS 4.2. 

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“We have more than 300,000 Windows Phone apps today and the Windows Phone Store continues to grow,” a Microsoft spokesperson told TNW. “In the past year alone the Windows and Windows Phone app catalog has grown 94 percent, while the number of active developers has grown by 50 percent.”

Android Wear offers some usefulness right out of the box, once the wearer connects it to their Android phone. However, apps extend that usefulness and really make the platform shine. These apps let the user carry out things on their watch and help the users interact with their phone.

The faces installed on the Android Wear watches look nice enough, but the others available in the store often look better or offer functions not included in the pre-installed faces. Choosing a watch face is a matter of taste primarily, but also function.

Android phones usually don’t come with the free Google Keep app preinstalled, but users should get Keep because it’s so simple and useful. Even though I’m an Evernote  user (which also works with Android Wear), Google Keep holds my To Do list. On the watch users can see their notes, shopping lists, To Do lists and anything else their Keep app will hold.

Lyft lets people call for a ride from their Android phone, and now the watch. It’s like a crowd sourced taxi service. Many of us can’t use Lyft since the service isn’t available in our town, but residents in 67 cities in the US can now call for a ride from Lyft drivers right from their wrist. It’s not just in the biggest cities like New York, LA or San Francisco. For example, Charlotte, NC, just down the road from me, has Lyft drivers. The service contacts them and the user pays by credit card through Lyft so no money changes hands.

Once the users installs these faces, she can change the watch face by pressing and holding a finger on the screen. The watch face will shrink and the user can then swipe left or right to change the face. Once the user finds the face they want to use, they tap on the screen and the face fills the screen again. The video below shows how to do this at the 3:45 spot.

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“For example, one travel company determined that a significant amount of their mobile revenue is coming from an iPhone 5s and can now target engagement ads at people with iPhone 5s specifically.”

Aparte de funcionar perfectamente en Android 4.4 KitKat la nueva versión de Equalizer, el desarrollador está trabajando para que funcione mejor en versiones antiguas de Android. Equalizer recibe un poco de Android L en el sentido de los colores, botones y animaciones estilo Android 5.0. Si tenéis actualizada la Play Store a la última versión podréis saber de qué estoy hablando.

Similarly, if any devices are no longer compatible, it will soon be possible to simply filter them out – ensuring developers are only reaching people who could be potential users or customers. “This reduces development time as you only need to build to devices best suited for your app,” Facebook added.

Para poder probar esta versión habrá que ir directamente a la página de WhatsApp y descargarla en el smartphone. Dicha versión, sólo está disponible de momento para el sistema operativo Android, con lo que los usuarios de otros sistemas operativos tendrán que esperar.

En esta nueva versión digamos que todos los cambios tienen que ver con el aspecto visual de la app sin ningún alarde de nuevas mejoras quedando las características importantes intactas. Equalizer tiene aún un ecualizador de 5 bandas y 11 presets para poder ofrecer el mejor sonido desde vuestro smartphone.

As another example, video game developers can ensure that only people who are on a Wi-Fi connection are served their ad; users on a 3G or weaker connection might be put off by the comparatively large download. Facebook suggests this could also be effective for companies that find specific device models are driving the majority of their revenue:

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ExDialer también incluye otras funciones populares como las acciones por gestos (hacia la derecha para llamar, y a la izquierda para mandar un SMS) así como grandes opciones de organización de contactos. El tema por defecto podría pasar sin problemas como la App nativa en Android, aunque incluye otros para darle aspecto MIUI o iOS, pudiendo variar también según la hora del día.

Tiene un marcador T9, función de favoritos y por frecuencia, integra SMS, plugins y mucho más. Todo ello completamente gratis, Contactos+ está disponible en Google Play y es compatible desde Android 2.1.

Contakts recoge información de Facebook, Google y WhatsApp, uniéndola a tus contactos ya existentes para tener todos los datos actualizados, direcciones, números, fotos e incluso datos de localización. Además, de forma similar a Contacts+, muestra un top con la gente más contactada, a lo que se añaden distintos gráficos para saber cuánto tiempo has hablado con cada uno.

La operadora de telefonía móvil Claro presentó su aplicación Claro Sports Argentina, disponible para dispositivos iOS y Android, que ofrece información estadística de diversos torneos de fútbol y que en esta ocasión tendrá una cobertura especial con todos los encuentros del Mundial de Brasil 2014.

Por su parte, BlackBerry presentó una edición especial del BBM Channels. Dentro de su canal oficial, disponible con el PIN C00124E76 dentro de la aplicación de mensajería BlackBerry Messenger, los usuarios podrán acceder a los diferentes espacios con todas las novedades de los partidos del Mundial de Brasil 2014.

ExDialer & Contacts es una aplicación muy veterana en Android, cuenta con millones de descargas en Google Play aunque continúa actualizándose para incorporar nuevas funciones y arreglos. Dispone de un teclado de marcación T9 (anda que no le costó a Google incluirlo por defecto en Android), posibilidad de cambiar temas y soporte para más de 30 idiomas.

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Although Microsoft made its Office for iPad apps free to download for viewing documents, to edit existing or create new documents, spreadsheets and presentations, customers must subscribe to an Office 365 software rent-not-own plan. Those plans can be obtained through a number of non-App Store outlets: Consumers, for example, can purchase a subscription from Microsoft’s website or at retail, while businesses can obtain Office 365 from Microsoft directly or from one of its channel partners.

By building for two years’ worth of Android (as we did originally with 4.0+), you’ll support about 40 percent of the U.S. smartphone install base. Removing 4.0-4.1 support leaves you with one year’s worth of OS compatibility, and that number drops to 12.5 percent.

Apple will continue to take its cut from those subscriptions in upcoming years, as the Office 365 Home plans purchased from within a Microsoft app will be “automatically renew[ed] within 24 hours prior to the end of the current subscription period” and again charged to the customer’s iTunes account.

But what of the conventional wisdom that Android users won’t download apps? We looked at the data and didn’t see it. Android users were less likely to pay for apps, to download games, and to pay for in-app content. But they were certainly downloading. Android had more users globally, and was on track to surpass the iOS installed base in the U.S. (It has since done so.) Android’s UX was improving, and a few high-profile influencers were switching to it from iPhone.

In the year since we moved to Android, it’s become more popular to launch Android-first. And for some products it may very well be the right answer. But consider the trade-offs carefully.  We’ll never know how things would have gone had we stuck with iPhone from the beginning. But here’s my guess: we would have launched our beta in April (not July) and our 1.0 in August (not October). We’d be building more functionality in less time. Our UX would be more polished, we’d have fewer bugs, and our addressable market would actually be larger.

That doesn’t mean Emu will get more users on iPhone; it merely describes the total number of people who can install our app if they want to. We have more specific hypotheses about how switching platforms might affect our ability to reach target users, but they’re still hypotheses. We’ll write more once we see whether our iPhone launch confirms or refutes them.

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You may also need a means of editing photos and other graphics files in standard formats such as Jpeg or Png. Here, we’re not concerned with compatibility with particular Windows software, but with the ability to import and export in the necessary formats and the provision of adequate functionality. As with Windows, a wide range of Android apps is available for photo editing.

First up is the BlueStacks App Player which it’s free from As the name suggests, this package allows you to run Android apps on your Windows machine but it’s not a full Android emulator so you won’t get the full Android experience.

However, unlike some similar packages, BlueStacks includes Google Play so you can search for and install apps in just the same way as with a true Android phone or tablet. As a beta release, it’s probably not reasonable to expect it to be perfect and we did, indeed, experience a few teething problems.

Yahoo News Digest: Designed to make your news-reading experience easy and painless. Yahoo News Digest finds the best and most important news and creates news digests, delivering them to you twice a day. Perfect for you to stay up-to-date with what’s important if you’re short on time. [Free]

Type Machine: Have you ever been in the middle of typing something in your phone, only for it to cock up and force you to start over? I know I have. Type Machine will make a backup of everything you type, so that if you do lose it, there’s a backup for you to go back to. It’s customisable, so you can tell it to not record for specific apps, and it all runs in the background so you won’t even know it’s doing its magic. [£1.24]

Not only that, but the screen section can then be used as a tablet by someone else, at the same time. Needless to say, buying two computers in one doesn’t come cheap and, even then, without some of the solutions we’ve seen elsewhere in this article, it doesn’t allow you to run Android apps under Windows and Windows software under Android. With a street price of £899, you’d probably be better off buying a separate Android device and a laptop at the moment. However, if this type of computer really takes off, expect prices to tumble. What’s more, if it also provides a means of the Android and Windows elements interacting with each other, with the ability to share software between the two platforms, we think manufacturers will be onto a winner.

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samsung app store

terms of total downloads in October 2013, however, Google actually dominates the iOS platform, with YouTube leading the way with the most popular download on the platform. But Google also has Google
Maps (#3), Google Search (#4), Gmail (#8) and Chrome (#9) among the top ten. Apple only has three app titles in the top ten on its own platform: Find My Phone (#5), GarageBand (#7) and iBooks (#10).
Facebook is the second most popular download in iOS in October. Still, on a revenue basis, Apple’s suite of apps — including Pages, iMovie, Keynote, Numbers, GarageBand and iPhoto — occupy the
top six spots among the highest revenue generators in the Apple App Store.

Not surprisingly, given its Android-based models, Samsung is a dominant force in
Google Play (259 apps), with Sony (216), Google itself (81), Panasonic (77) and Disney (54) rounding out the top 5.

Better and better Samsung phones could, in theory, lead some Apple customers to make the switch. More likely, however, is that Samsung continues to consolidate its control of the Android ecosystem, pushing out Google’s other hardware partners in the process. With Samsung pushing alternatives to Google’s services, Samsung’s total dominance could put Google in an unfortunate position.

The critics might not like them, but buyers sure doIn general, Samsung phones are not well-liked by the tech media — most reviewers seem to prefer other Android handsets instead. Computerworld, for example, believes the top Android phone is Motorola’s Moto X, while PCWorld thinks Google’s own Nexus 5 is the best Android phone on the market. Techradar loves Sony’s Xperia Z, and Business Insider thinks buyers should go with HTC’s One, as long as they get the unlocked version from Google Play.

Now Samsung users can get bunch of titles for only a dollar a piece if they go through the Samsung App Store! Sega Announced the discounts today on its blog. From November 26th to December 2nd, Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic CD, Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Ep. I, and Sonic The Hedgehog Ep. II are only $1 USD through the Samsung Apps store. Just direct your Samsung device to the company’s app store.

In Amazon’s Appstore, Amazon itself (109) is by far the leading
developer using the platform. But in this environment which serves both Kindle and Android devices, Disney (23) and Sony (21) are making some effort, followed by Adobe (11) and IBM (5).

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This chart demonstrating the early period since the start of both app collections demonstrates Apple’s lead on total downloaded apps, a title that Apple still holds today with a 60 billion number that has not yet been surpassed by Android. Although Android is gaining fast. This chart demonstrates Apple’s early lead during the first 39 months after both stores opened for business.

“Last year was all about chart-boosting,” said Bill Clifford, chief revenue officer at the mobile ad firm SessionM, “Buying as many app installs as possible as short a timeframe as possible to get to the top of the charts.  Now there are fewer loopholes available to artificially inflate rankings, and legit companies won’t spend their time with it.”

SearchMan CEO Niren Hiro ran these same queries again for the date of November 24th, 2013 and found the results had definitely shifted, though not always for the better. (See chart below).

And despite Apple cracking down on the practice of companies like Tapjoy selling paid app installs, ad networks like San Francisco-based CyberZ still promise “personalized campaigns based on your desired number of installs,” as James Armfield, the company’s business development specialist, put it in a recent pitch.

The point is that Android is not far behind on downloads, and will likely surpass apple in the future. Although Apple will most likely retain its higher total revenue from app sales and higher amount paid to developers over Android for the foreseeable future.

Several mobile insiders praised Apple for helping push some of those practices to the margins, particularly since Apple cracked down on companies like Tapjoy offering gamers free lives or game currency in exchange for downloading apps. “Apple did a really nice job cleaning that up,” said Craig Palli, chief strategy officer at the app marketing firm Fiksu.