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Paternot says the networking aspect of Slated’s membership is just as much a benefit as funding. “We’re not a just a crowdfunding platform — we are a marketplace, helping members find talent, sales agents, distributors, buyers,” he said. More than half of the introductions made on Slated are industry to industry, not just between investors and filmmakers. Modine’s Rocking Horsemen campaign, for example, was born of a Slated connection. Producer Williams first met Modine many years ago, though the two didn’t reconnect until Modine started tracking Williams on Slated. That led to a meeting, and Williams came onboard to produce Rocking Horsemen shortly thereafter. “I’ve always said getting in front of someone is key,” said Williams, who still prefers in-person pitching to digital dealings, but “this way we’re bringing this project to a lot of people might not have thought of, and financiers I would never had met.”
Si te gusta el cine o eres aficionado a las series de televisión o simplemente quieres estar al día de las ultimas novedades, IMDb Cine & TV es tu app para iPad Mini, iPad y iPhone. Podrás encontrar todo tipo de información referente a tus películas, series, actrices o actores favoritos de una manera muy simple, toda una enciclopedia del cine y la televisión. Además, podrás descargártela completamente gratis desde la App Store. Bien sea en tu iPhone, iPad o iPad Mini IMDb Cine & TV no puede faltar, realmente útil y práctica.
Submitted projects must be as fully packaged as possible to pass muster and get posted to Slated. For Horsemen, Modine’s attached Jared Gilman (Moonrise Kingdom), Riley Griffiths (Super 8), Miles Heizer (Parenthood), and James Frecheville (Animal Kingdom). Modine also is attached to star and Orian Williams (Control, Big Sur) is producing alongside Cinco Dedos Peliculas Productions‘ Modine and Adam Rackoff.
Slated, then, is less a Kickstarter peer and more akin to an OKCupid for film financing: a gated online marketplace intended to connect like-minded filmmakers, investors, sales reps, and other industry figures with the ultimate goal of financing indie projects of a certain size. To join Slated, verified members must be vouched for by two other members. To invest, investors must be SEC-accredited and be vouched for by two other Slated investors. Each posted project seeking funding or other services is vetted by Slated and must fall within the site’s parameters: $500K-$15M budgets for features and $250K-$2M for documentaries. “Anything below, we recommend filmmakers, especially first-time filmmakers or filmmakers doing something highly experimental, first go to Indiegogo,” said Slated co-founder and chairman Stephan Paternot.
Con IMDb Cine & TV podrás buscar todas las películas que estén en la cartelera en cines cercanos a tu localización, los próximos estrenos de cine. Podrás ver también los horarios de las series de televisión de su zona horaria. Nada se te escapará con esta fantástica app, estarás completamente informado y actualizado en cuanto a cine y televisión se refiere.